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JAM Sessions: Invertebrates in the Soil

  • Museum at Prairiefire 5801 West 135th Street Overland Park, KS, 66224 United States (map)

$5 General Admission
FREE for Members

Members will receive their discount by using their membership discount code.

If you dig in a patch of dirt, what do you find?  Depending on where you dig, you will likely find different living things crawling in and around your sample.  What would you expect to find in a sample of wetland soil vs, say, a sample of sandy soil?  If you think about what all living things need to survive, this can give you clues to answer this question.

In this JAM, you will look closely at samples of soil collected from different habitats.  While we often barely notice what is living under our feet, the tiny soil invertebrates play a huge role in the diversity and health of the habitats we interact with everyday. 


  • We require a 24 hour cancellation notice for Little Explorers Club and JAM Sessions reservations via emailing Please include the name on the reservation, number of students, date and time of the class.

  • Please help create an outstanding learning environment by limiting disruptions in the classroom! 

  • Parents are, of course, always welcome to remain in class but should a parent choose to step out, we have provided a seating area just outside the classrooms. Parents and siblings are also welcome to explore our Discovery Room or the rest of the Museum until the class concludes.

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