Featured Events
Paws for Progress
Join KC Urban Advantage and Great Plains SPCA as we partner to help spread awareness in the communities we serve! Enjoy an evening of craft cocktails and scrumptious small bites, a silent auction with a raffle featuring some great prizes and more! Together, we can make a difference!
Use code EarlybirdMAP for $5 off the event, valid through 3/4, for the first 25 tickets!
Join us for Science Happy Hour with a TWIST as we watch the breathtaking documentary premiere of Crest Alta! A journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile and Peru to document glaciological research expeditions and sustainability. The Cresta Alta Film Tour is engaging audiences throughout the US with arts councils, colleges, high schools and museums at events produced by The Risan Project. The 2025 tour features Risan Media's expedition-based climate change documentary film titled, Cresta Alta, that chronicles a journey to Alaska, Iceland, Chile and Peru to document glaciological research expeditions and sustainability. The screenings are followed by a discussion/Q&A with producer and director, Todd Anders Johnson.
Wednesday, April 16th
Doors open at 5:30 PM for Happy Hour drinks
Talk begins at 6PM
Tickets are FREE for membership and $10 for non-members

JAM Sessions: Sprouting Seeds
What soil nutrients do plants need to grow their best? If you are a gardener, sometimes you have to wait what seems like a long time before plants begin to poke their leaves and stems through the soil and into daylight to find out. If you do this enough and you do some research, though, you can figure out 1) what nutrients certain plants need, and 2) what supplements may help them grow healthier before you ever put seeds in the ground! In this life-science activity, you will set up and conduct an experiment to determine whether seeds will sprout faster in soil mixed with coffee grounds or just “regular” soil and learn a little about how seeds turn into plants.

JAM Sessions: Sprouting Seeds
What soil nutrients do plants need to grow their best? If you are a gardener, sometimes you have to wait what seems like a long time before plants begin to poke their leaves and stems through the soil and into daylight to find out. If you do this enough and you do some research, though, you can figure out 1) what nutrients certain plants need, and 2) what supplements may help them grow healthier before you ever put seeds in the ground! In this life-science activity, you will set up and conduct an experiment to determine whether seeds will sprout faster in soil mixed with coffee grounds or just “regular” soil and learn a little about how seeds turn into plants.

JAM Sessions: Symbiotic Relationships in Nature
Spring has begun, and you may have noticed that birds are singing their songs again. You may have noticed the first flower blooms of the season. Take a close look inside the flowers, and you will likely see an insect visiting that flower. Flowers and insects have had a very close relationship with each other for a very long time…dating back to when dinosaurs were alive! We call this type of relationship a symbiotic relationship, and the relationship between insects and flowers is just one of many examples in nature. In this JAM, you will learn how the organisms in these interesting associations help one another.

JAM Sessions: Symbiotic Relationships in Nature
Spring has begun, and you may have noticed that birds are singing their songs again. You may have noticed the first flower blooms of the season. Take a close look inside the flowers, and you will likely see an insect visiting that flower. Flowers and insects have had a very close relationship with each other for a very long time…dating back to when dinosaurs were alive! We call this type of relationship a symbiotic relationship, and the relationship between insects and flowers is just one of many examples in nature. In this JAM, you will learn how the organisms in these interesting associations help one another.

JAM Sessions: Build Your Own Water Filter
We all rely on clean, drinkable water to survive. (Remember that most of our body is water.) The water in our bodies must be replenished by drinking plenty of it during the day. How do we get water that we can drink? The water that comes to us from our environment is not usually drinkable—it must be treated to remove harmful substances in it. One type of treatment involves filtration. Filtration removes substances and microscopic organisms that float in the water, as well as some substances that are dissolved in it. Using materials from the pet and hardware stores, you can construct your own water filtration device to see how this treatment process works.

JAM Sessions: Build Your Own Water Filter
We all rely on clean, drinkable water to survive. (Remember that most of our body is water.) The water in our bodies must be replenished by drinking plenty of it during the day. How do we get water that we can drink? The water that comes to us from our environment is not usually drinkable—it must be treated to remove harmful substances in it. One type of treatment involves filtration. Filtration removes substances and microscopic organisms that float in the water, as well as some substances that are dissolved in it. Using materials from the pet and hardware stores, you can construct your own water filtration device to see how this treatment process works.

JAM Sessions: Film Canister Rockets
How do rockets travel into space? You may know that it takes fuel to simply get a rocket off the ground and that the rocket also needs to escape the Earth’s gravity to actually get out of our orbit…which requires a lot of fuel! Fuel can, and has been, made in different ways to generate the forces required to lift rockets. In this aero engineering-themed JAM, you will learn how fuel helps generate these forces—by launching a film canister. You will use two simple ingredients to make your fuel, change the ratios after each launch, and make observations about how the changes in fuel ingredients affects their distance traveled.

JAM Sessions: Film Canister Rockets
How do rockets travel into space? You may know that it takes fuel to simply get a rocket off the ground and that the rocket also needs to escape the Earth’s gravity to actually get out of our orbit…which requires a lot of fuel! Fuel can, and has been, made in different ways to generate the forces required to lift rockets. In this aero engineering-themed JAM, you will learn how fuel helps generate these forces—by launching a film canister. You will use two simple ingredients to make your fuel, change the ratios after each launch, and make observations about how the changes in fuel ingredients affects their distance traveled.

JAM Sessions: Misunderstood Animals - Snakes
What do snakes do for our native habitats here in northeast Kansas? Can you identify any local snakes and which ones are potentially dangerous? Snakes can be found in a variety of habitats - even in the KC metro, there are plenty of parks and natural areas where they can be found. And more often than not, they will see you before you see them!
Sadly, snakes are often misunderstood animals. While there certainly are dangerous snakes to watch out for, snakes play a vital role in their habitats as both predator and prey. In this JAM, we will learn about these fascinating animals and maybe go on a walk in our wetlands to search for two common snakes we have in this area!

JAM Sessions: Misunderstood Animals - Snakes
What do snakes do for our native habitats here in northeast Kansas? Can you identify any local snakes and which ones are potentially dangerous? Snakes can be found in a variety of habitats - even in the KC metro, there are plenty of parks and natural areas where they can be found. And more often than not, they will see you before you see them!
Sadly, snakes are often misunderstood animals. While there certainly are dangerous snakes to watch out for, snakes play a vital role in their habitats as both predator and prey. In this JAM, we will learn about these fascinating animals and maybe go on a walk in our wetlands to search for two common snakes we have in this area!

JAM Sessions: Misunderstood Animals - Bats
Did you know that bats live in Kansas? What do you think bats do in our native habitats, and where is the best place to find them? There are a few different species native to Kansas, and part of what makes these animals mysterious is the fact that they are nocturnal. Being nocturnal creatures, though, makes them a unique piece of the ecological puzzle.
There are also myths and misconceptions about bats - think vampire bats! - that leads to misunderstandings about these animals. In this JAM, we will learn what makes these animals unique and beneficial to their habitats and to humans.

JAM Sessions: Misunderstood Animals - Bats
Did you know that bats live in Kansas? What do you think bats do in our native habitats, and where is the best place to find them? There are a few different species native to Kansas, and part of what makes these animals mysterious is the fact that they are nocturnal. Being nocturnal creatures, though, makes them a unique piece of the ecological puzzle.
There are also myths and misconceptions about bats - think vampire bats! - that leads to misunderstandings about these animals. In this JAM, we will learn what makes these animals unique and beneficial to their habitats and to humans.

JAM Sessions: Ice Cream in a Bag
Anybody up for some ice cream? Following the steps in this activity, you can make your own. July is a great time to enjoy some cold, refreshing ice cream. As with any kind of cooking and food making, there is science involved. There are chemical changes that happen when making ice cream, such as changes of state and the effect of adding substances that lower the freezing temperature of water. And in the end, you get to eat your science!

JAM Sessions: Ice Cream in a Bag
Anybody up for some ice cream? Following the steps in this activity, you can make your own. July is a great time to enjoy some cold, refreshing ice cream. As with any kind of cooking and food making, there is science involved. There are chemical changes that happen when making ice cream, such as changes of state and the effect of adding substances that lower the freezing temperature of water. And in the end, you get to eat your science!

JAM Sessions: What’s Swimming in your Creek?
When you think of a wetland (maybe a marsh, swamp, or small creek flowing from a pond), what living things come to mind? Most of you can probably name a few large animals and at least one or two plants. Did you know, though, that these large living organisms actually depend on tiny, even microscopic, plants and animals to survive. Without them, a wetland would not function the way it does.
In this natural science JAM, you will each be given some sampling tools for collecting specimens in our creek water behind the museum. You’ll observe your “catch” through microscopes and learn about the amazing tiny things swimming in the creek!

JAM Sessions: What’s Swimming in your Creek?
When you think of a wetland (maybe a marsh, swamp, or small creek flowing from a pond), what living things come to mind? Most of you can probably name a few large animals and at least one or two plants. Did you know, though, that these large living organisms actually depend on tiny, even microscopic, plants and animals to survive. Without them, a wetland would not function the way it does.
In this natural science JAM, you will each be given some sampling tools for collecting specimens in our creek water behind the museum. You’ll observe your “catch” through microscopes and learn about the amazing tiny things swimming in the creek!

JAM Sessions: Sketching From Nature
Think of the last picture of a plant or an animal you saw in a book - was it a photograph or a drawing? We are all used to seeing images of nature through photographs in our books, magazines, and videos. Photography is a pretty young field, and early scientists couldn’t simply pull out a phone and snap a picture! So, how did they record the tiny details of natural objects? In this natural history JAM, we’ll take a look at some of the earliest drawings, even from ancient Roman and Greek times, of plants and animals these early scientists made. We will also go on our own exploration along the wetlands trail to find objects to sketch.

JAM Sessions: Sketching From Nature
Think of the last picture of a plant or an animal you saw in a book - was it a photograph or a drawing? We are all used to seeing images of nature through photographs in our books, magazines, and videos. Photography is a pretty young field, and early scientists couldn’t simply pull out a phone and snap a picture! So, how did they record the tiny details of natural objects? In this natural history JAM, we’ll take a look at some of the earliest drawings, even from ancient Roman and Greek times, of plants and animals these early scientists made. We will also go on our own exploration along the wetlands trail to find objects to sketch.

JAM Sessions: Science of the Cicada Symphony
We are now in the dog days of summer, the hottest part of the year. It is no surprise, then, that the noisy cicadas you’re hearing are called dog day cicadas! These are fascinating insects, and their calls seem to instantly bring warm summer evenings to mind. There are several species that fall into this group - and did you know that you and actually identify the different species by their song?
In this JAM, you will learn how and why cicadas make their calls and how they can be so loud! We’ll test our knowledge of cicada calls and walk along the wetlands trail for observation…possibly even handling. (They are harmless!)

JAM Sessions: Science of the Cicada Symphony
We are now in the dog days of summer, the hottest part of the year. It is no surprise, then, that the noisy cicadas you’re hearing are called dog day cicadas! These are fascinating insects, and their calls seem to instantly bring warm summer evenings to mind. There are several species that fall into this group - and did you know that you and actually identify the different species by their song?
In this JAM, you will learn how and why cicadas make their calls and how they can be so loud! We’ll test our knowledge of cicada calls and walk along the wetlands trail for observation…possibly even handling. (They are harmless!)

JAM Sessions: Invertebrates in the Soil
If you dig in a patch of dirt, what do you find? Depending on where you dig, you will likely find different living things crawling in and around your sample. What would you expect to find in a sample of wetland soil vs, say, a sample of sandy soil? If you think about what all living things need to survive, this can give you clues to answer this question.
In this JAM, you will look closely at samples of soil collected from different habitats. While we often barely notice what is living under our feet, the tiny soil invertebrates play a huge role in the diversity and health of the habitats we interact with everyday.

JAM Sessions: Invertebrates in the Soil
If you dig in a patch of dirt, what do you find? Depending on where you dig, you will likely find different living things crawling in and around your sample. What would you expect to find in a sample of wetland soil vs, say, a sample of sandy soil? If you think about what all living things need to survive, this can give you clues to answer this question.
In this JAM, you will look closely at samples of soil collected from different habitats. While we often barely notice what is living under our feet, the tiny soil invertebrates play a huge role in the diversity and health of the habitats we interact with everyday.

JAM Sessions: Science of Animal Camouflage
How many animals do you think you can spot on a nature walk? Of course, it will depend a lot on where you are. You’ll likely find more things at a state park than you will in your backyard. Still, there are probably a lot of things to see in seemingly unlikely places…but those things are more likely to see you first because they blend into their environment!
In this JAM, you will learn about camouflage. You may know what camouflage is, but what makes certain patterns work so well in one environment and so poorly in another? Something else to think about: what happens when you take a camouflaged object from land and move it into the water? You will look at different camouflaged specimens, make your own camouflage animal patterns, and explore what makes them unique.

JAM Sessions: Science of Animal Camouflage
How many animals do you think you can spot on a nature walk? Of course, it will depend a lot on where you are. You’ll likely find more things at a state park than you will in your backyard. Still, there are probably a lot of things to see in seemingly unlikely places…but those things are more likely to see you first because they blend into their environment!
In this JAM, you will learn about camouflage. You may know what camouflage is, but what makes certain patterns work so well in one environment and so poorly in another? Something else to think about: what happens when you take a camouflaged object from land and move it into the water? You will look at different camouflaged specimens, make your own camouflage animal patterns, and explore what makes them unique.

JAM Sessions: Science of Sound
Do you play a musical instrument? Do you sing? Each instrument (and voice) produces a unique sound that can usually be differentiated from one another. For example, the sound of a bassoon is very different from a flute, which is very different from a violin. This is partly due to how high or low a sound is (pitch), but also the sound quality (timbre) and other factors.
In this JAM, you will learn what sound is at the most basic level. With this foundational understanding, we will explore the different ways in which sound can be produced and why these variations result in the huge varieties of sounds we encounter in our everyday lives.

JAM Sessions: Science of Sound
Do you play a musical instrument? Do you sing? Each instrument (and voice) produces a unique sound that can usually be differentiated from one another. For example, the sound of a bassoon is very different from a flute, which is very different from a violin. This is partly due to how high or low a sound is (pitch), but also the sound quality (timbre) and other factors.
In this JAM, you will learn what sound is at the most basic level. With this foundational understanding, we will explore the different ways in which sound can be produced and why these variations result in the huge varieties of sounds we encounter in our everyday lives.

JAM Sessions: Fruit and Veggie Cars
Do your parents tell you not to play with your food? Most of the time, that is good advice! Sometimes, though, there are activities and experiments you can do that encourage you to do the opposite…like building a vehicle out of food! You’ve probably done friction experiments with moving objects before, but this experiment is pretty unique.
You will design and build your own racing “cars” using different kinds of fruits and vegetables. You get to choose which ones you think will work best for different components of your car. What would work best for wheels? How will you make an axle? Finally, you will test your cars on ramps with different surfaces.

JAM Sessions: Fruit and Veggie Cars
Do your parents tell you not to play with your food? Most of the time, that is good advice! Sometimes, though, there are activities and experiments you can do that encourage you to do the opposite…like building a vehicle out of food! You’ve probably done friction experiments with moving objects before, but this experiment is pretty unique.
You will design and build your own racing “cars” using different kinds of fruits and vegetables. You get to choose which ones you think will work best for different components of your car. What would work best for wheels? How will you make an axle? Finally, you will test your cars on ramps with different surfaces.

JAM Sessions: Science of Ice and Snow
We are coming up to the middle of winter, and chances are we will have had some snow by now. We all know that snow is made of water, and that snowflakes are tiny ice crystals. You may have also heard that no two snowflakes are exactly alike - is this true?
In this winter-themed JAM, you will learn about physical and chemical properties of snow and ice, and what makes the solid state of water (ice) so unique compared to other solid objects. You will also conduct friction tests on ice using different objects to determine which one slides the best.

JAM Sessions: Science of Ice and Snow
We are coming up to the middle of winter, and chances are we will have had some snow by now. We all know that snow is made of water, and that snowflakes are tiny ice crystals. You may have also heard that no two snowflakes are exactly alike - is this true?
In this winter-themed JAM, you will learn about physical and chemical properties of snow and ice, and what makes the solid state of water (ice) so unique compared to other solid objects. You will also conduct friction tests on ice using different objects to determine which one slides the best.

JAM Sessions: Marble Roller Coasters
Have you ever wondered if you could design your own roller coaster? If you’ve been on one before, think about what made the ride fun (or not so fun), and what design elements it had. Were there loops? Were there lots of turns?
In this engineering JAM, you will work as part of a team to design and build a model roller coaster track using insulation tubing and a marble. The objective is to not just come up with a working design, but to gain an understanding of potential vs. kinetic energy and how the two are related. As your team adds a new component to the track, you will test for fail points so you can improve on your design where needed.

JAM Sessions: Marble Roller Coasters
Have you ever wondered if you could design your own roller coaster? If you’ve been on one before, think about what made the ride fun (or not so fun), and what design elements it had. Were there loops? Were there lots of turns?
In this engineering JAM, you will work as part of a team to design and build a model roller coaster track using insulation tubing and a marble. The objective is to not just come up with a working design, but to gain an understanding of potential vs. kinetic energy and how the two are related. As your team adds a new component to the track, you will test for fail points so you can improve on your design where needed.

JAM Sessions: Reindeer Snot
Reindeer are adapted to living in cold environments thanks to their dense layers of fur and a special heat exchange system in their noses that actually warms the air they inhale...but what would happen if a reindeer got a cold? Would they need a tissue? For this month's activity, we'll be putting a holiday spin on the classic slime experiment. Learn how to make your very own reindeer snot with glue and food coloring!

JAM Sessions: Reindeer Snot
Reindeer are adapted to living in cold environments thanks to their dense layers of fur and a special heat exchange system in their noses that actually warms the air they inhale...but what would happen if a reindeer got a cold? Would they need a tissue? For this month's activity, we'll be putting a holiday spin on the classic slime experiment. Learn how to make your very own reindeer snot with glue and food coloring!

JAM Sessions: Build Your Own Bird Feeder
Winter will be arriving shortly, and the birds are hurrying to find food before it arrives. In this unique craft activity, you will build your own bird feeder out of everyday materials. All materials will be provided by the MAP. We'll also learn about bird beaks and how different beak shapes can give you clues about its diet. By the end of the JAM, you will leave with some bird knowledge and a feeder you can hang in your own yard!

JAM Sessions: Build Your Own Bird Feeder
Winter will be arriving shortly, and the birds are hurrying to find food before it arrives. In this unique craft activity, you will build your own bird feeder out of everyday materials. All materials will be provided by the MAP. We'll also learn about bird beaks and how different beak shapes can give you clues about its diet. By the end of the JAM, you will leave with some bird knowledge and a feeder you can hang in your own yard!

JAM Sessions: Understanding Natural Resources
Humans use a lot of materials. In many ways, figuring out how materials found in nature has been hugely beneficial for us - our modern technology wouldn’t be possible without a few simple minerals under the ground we stand on! On the other hand, we’re realizing that many of these materials aren’t being used smartly and responsibly. Where do our materials come from, and will they last forever? We’ll do some interactive activities in this JAM that will show you how understanding these basic ideas can help you to be better informed about our natural resources.

JAM Sessions: Understanding Natural Resources
Humans use a lot of materials. In many ways, figuring out how materials found in nature has been hugely beneficial for us - our modern technology wouldn’t be possible without a few simple minerals under the ground we stand on! On the other hand, we’re realizing that many of these materials aren’t being used smartly and responsibly. Where do our materials come from, and will they last forever? We’ll do some interactive activities in this JAM that will show you how understanding these basic ideas can help you to be better informed about our natural resources.

JAM Sessions: Bottle Racers
Do you have an empty water bottle lying around? Before you decide to recycle that bottle, you can give it life as a bottle racer. In this engineering activity, you will learn how to turn an ordinary empty water bottle into a rolling machine propelled by energy generated from a rubber band. We will demonstrate two main types of energy in the process: potential and kinetic. Rubber bands store a special type of potential energy, called elastic energy. If you’ve ever used a slingshot before, you know the power of elastic energy!

JAM Sessions: Bottle Racers
Do you have an empty water bottle lying around? Before you decide to recycle that bottle, you can give it life as a bottle racer. In this engineering activity, you will learn how to turn an ordinary empty water bottle into a rolling machine propelled by energy generated from a rubber band. We will demonstrate two main types of energy in the process: potential and kinetic. Rubber bands store a special type of potential energy, called elastic energy. If you’ve ever used a slingshot before, you know the power of elastic energy!

JAM Sessions: Fossil Identification and Scavenger Hunt
Kansas used to be underwater…multiple times! One way we know this is by observing the fossils we find in the rocks. You might be surprised at just how many fossils you can find just by taking a walk on a local trail! In fact, that is exactly what we will do in the JAM and see what we find. You will also be given a fossil page with pictures, which you can use to help you with identification.
There is a long history, going back thousands of years, of plants and animals being drawn and painted. Some of the most beautiful flower drawings and paintings were carefully made by illustrators who spent hundreds of hours drawing a just a few flowers because it was important to be accurate! In this JAM, we won't make you draw or paint for hundreds of hours, but you can practice illustrating using a flower from our wetlands.

JAM Sessions: Fossil Identification and Scavenger Hunt
Kansas used to be underwater…multiple times! One way we know this is by observing the fossils we find in the rocks. You might be surprised at just how many fossils you can find just by taking a walk on a local trail! In fact, that is exactly what we will do in the JAM and see what we find. You will also be given a fossil page with pictures, which you can use to help you with identification.
There is a long history, going back thousands of years, of plants and animals being drawn and painted. Some of the most beautiful flower drawings and paintings were carefully made by illustrators who spent hundreds of hours drawing a just a few flowers because it was important to be accurate! In this JAM, we won't make you draw or paint for hundreds of hours, but you can practice illustrating using a flower from our wetlands.

JAM Sessions: Botanical Art and Illustration
Late September is the best time to be out in our wetlands to see the greatest variety of wildflowers in bloom. Did you ever wonder how scientists and artists used to record images of living things before the invention of the camera?
There is a long history, going back thousands of years, of plants and animals being drawn and painted. Some of the most beautiful flower drawings and paintings were carefully made by illustrators who spent hundreds of hours drawing a just a few flowers because it was important to be accurate! In this JAM, we won't make you draw or paint for hundreds of hours, but you can practice illustrating using a flower from our wetlands.

JAM Sessions: Botanical Art and Illustration
Late September is the best time to be out in our wetlands to see the greatest variety of wildflowers in bloom. Did you ever wonder how scientists and artists used to record images of living things before the invention of the camera?
There is a long history, going back thousands of years, of plants and animals being drawn and painted. Some of the most beautiful flower drawings and paintings were carefully made by illustrators who spent hundreds of hours drawing a just a few flowers because it was important to be accurate! In this JAM, we won't make you draw or paint for hundreds of hours, but you can practice illustrating using a flower from our wetlands.

JAM Sessions: Marshmallow Catapults
Continuing with an engineering theme, we will learn about catapults and how to make them. In the past, we constructed them using craft sticks and rubber bands. As a twist, this time you will be tasked with coming up with your own design. We will provide a range of materials you can use, but you are free to make whatever design you like with the materials.
Think about what you want your catapult to do. Do you want it to fling multiple marshmallows at once, or do you want to keep it single and just make a design that flings a single marshmallow as far as it can? Think of the physics involved for your chosen design.

JAM Sessions: Marshmallow Catapults
Continuing with an engineering theme, we will learn about catapults and how to make them. In the past, we constructed them using craft sticks and rubber bands. As a twist, this time you will be tasked with coming up with your own design. We will provide a range of materials you can use, but you are free to make whatever design you like with the materials.
Think about what you want your catapult to do. Do you want it to fling multiple marshmallows at once, or do you want to keep it single and just make a design that flings a single marshmallow as far as it can? Think of the physics involved for your chosen design.

JAM Sessions: Stomp Rockets
How do rockets propel themselves into space? It’s not just a matter of pointing it straight up in the air…it needs to escape Earth’s orbit, called the “escape velocity”, or else it will simply fall back to Earth! In this JAM, we won’t be launching rockets into space, but we will have fun making paper rockets and shooting them up 20, 30, even 40 feet up in the air using just our feet! You will learn the basic forces that allow rockets to travel, and then make your own paper rocket that you will launch into the air. You will be challenged to think about aerodynamics and weight in order to make your rocket as efficient a projectile as possible.

JAM Sessions: Stomp Rockets
How do rockets propel themselves into space? It’s not just a matter of pointing it straight up in the air…it needs to escape Earth’s orbit, called the “escape velocity”, or else it will simply fall back to Earth! In this JAM, we won’t be launching rockets into space, but we will have fun making paper rockets and shooting them up 20, 30, even 40 feet up in the air using just our feet! You will learn the basic forces that allow rockets to travel, and then make your own paper rocket that you will launch into the air. You will be challenged to think about aerodynamics and weight in order to make your rocket as efficient a projectile as possible.

JAM Sessions: How to Make Bee Bath
We all know that bees need flowers for their food source - they collect pollen to feed their young and feed on nectar as an energy source. What else would a bee need? Of course, they need shelter for constructing nests, such as cavities in trees. (Speaking of shelter, most bees actually nest in the ground and are solitary. The European honeybee is unusual since the vast majority of bees don’t make huge hives!)
Bees, like all animals, also need water. In this JAM, we will learn how to make a bee bath. It’s similar to a bird bath, but much smaller and constructed a little differently. Placing a small earthenware bath (like a clay pot) outside in a sheltered area in summer is a great way to provide a water source for our bees!

JAM Sessions: How to Make Bee Bath
We all know that bees need flowers for their food source - they collect pollen to feed their young and feed on nectar as an energy source. What else would a bee need? Of course, they need shelter for constructing nests, such as cavities in trees. (Speaking of shelter, most bees actually nest in the ground and are solitary. The European honeybee is unusual since the vast majority of bees don’t make huge hives!)
Bees, like all animals, also need water. In this JAM, we will learn how to make a bee bath. It’s similar to a bird bath, but much smaller and constructed a little differently. Placing a small earthenware bath (like a clay pot) outside in a sheltered area in summer is a great way to provide a water source for our bees!